Worrying doesn't work (and three myths about worrying).
Worry doesn't work.
Most of us can agree that worrying is pointless. There's an old saying that goes "worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do but never gets you anywhere. "
Yet even so, many of us spend hours upon hours worrying. In fact, I'd mastered the art of worrying. For example, In the past, I'd spend hours googling possible worst case scenarios for my children's illnesses (that rash looks like glandular fever!!) as well as talking in circles speculating "what if" scenarios. Talk about exhausting!
I found I was making myself mentally (and sometimes physically) sick and decided I'd had enough! I was stressed, anxious, and tired and finally able to see how WORRYING DOESN'T WORK!
After months of intense self observation, I discovered that I had some unconscious beliefs around worry. These beliefs helped me to justify my worrying and kept me stuck in it's unhealthy cycle.
I'll call these unconscious beliefs the three myths of worrying.
Myth 1: "I can worry my way out of this problem."
We often confuse worrying with solving. We think, 'If I just go over and over this enough, I will figure out a solution.' When in reality, we are just feeding the worry, giving the problem (not the solution) our focused attention.
When we worry, we feed the energy of anxiety. The more we feed something, the bigger it grows. Suddenly we become caught in a cycle of worry, anxiety, more worry, more anxiety until we are completely overwhelmed by this big fat energy of WORRIED ANXIOUSNESS.
REALITY CHECK: Worry doesn't solve problems; it creates them.
Myth 2: Worrying proves I really love and care about whom or what I'm worrying about.
Let's say your family member is ill. While it's natural to be concerned, if we let the mind indulge in every worst case scenario we aren't being present for what the person or situation truly needs. Our ego may even tell us "Well I worry because I CARE!" In reality, our ego is just indulging in the suffering and giving strength to the problem.
Worrying is like eating a huge pile of candy. It feels satisfying in the moment, but leaves us with a huge stomachache afterwards.
REALITY CHECK: Worrying is indulging in the energy of suffering.
Myth 3: I have no control over what I worry about or how often I worry. My worries are REAL.
As soon as we are able to observe our pattern of incessant worrying, we can begin to regain control. We can start consciously focusing on what we desire and not on what we don't desire. We can choose to shift focus from worry to presence and peace by bringing our awareness to our breath again and again.
REALITY CHECK: Worry can not exists in the present moment.
When we worry, we are stuck in past pain or an unknown future. The only thing that is real is this moment. Right now. It is pointless to spend energy worrying about something that isn't real (although our ego sure likes to tell us the past and future are real).
To free yourself from worry, focus on your breath again and again. Come to your senses. Literally! Bring your awareness to the present moment and focus on breathing, or on the feeling of the sun's warmth, or the sensation of walking.
Focusing on your breath and physical sensations creates internal space. When you create this space you allow solutions to arise without struggling. You relax and begin to trust in life instead of trusting in your ego. From this spacious, present place a peaceful solution may arise. But at the very least you will enjoy life much more! And life is now.
So don't worry, be present. :)