Welcome! I’m Jackie. I’m an intuitive and self taught artist passionate about the power of the present moment. It is in the space of presence where inspired creation is born. My goal is to attempt to translate what I experience from this divine and eternal space into different works of art.
My Reiki infused paintings are created with healing intentions in a purely intuitive flow to encourage transformation. My services also include Reiki sessions, intuitive life coaching for artists and creatives, and commissioned artwork. I am a certified Usui/HolyFire® III Reiki Master and a Psycho-Spiritual Alchemy Life Coach™. I offer coaching/healing sessions and Holy Fire® Reiki attunments to empower you to heal yourself so that you live in joy, authenticity and abundance.
It is my mission to create, guide and empower. I paint unique, uplifting, and peaceful artwork to inspire energetic alchemy within you. I believe that the power to transform and heal begins by listening to our heart’s deepest urges while taking steps to fully acknowledge and embrace our whole selves including the darker aspects of our human nature .
Art and creativity often encourage us to go deep, uncovering areas within that crave attention and presence. Not only can art create a sacred space in our homes but it can connect us to the deepest parts of ourselves. As an artist and creative coach, I use Reiki to help you to integrate spirituality into your daily life and creative practice so that you can easily express your unique creative voice, attract abundance, and deepen your intuition. If you’d like to learn more about using the healing energy of Holy Fire® Reiki for a thriving creative business let’s set up a free discovery call!
Schedule your free 30 minute consultation here