Transform yourself, harmonize your space


Are you taking life too seriously? (And what to do about it).

“Each person on this planet is inherently, intrinsically capable of attaining "dizzying heights" of happiness and fulfillment.”
- Wayne Dyer

Are you taking life too seriously?

The world can sometimes feel like a heavy, burdensome and serious place. Many of us feel stressed with jam packed schedules, distracted by our to do lists and weighed down by negative news stories.

I believe it is our birthright to connect to our natural state of peace and joy (a state we easily connected with as a child).

So why is finding a few moments each day to be fully present in creative play so important?

Creative expression can help us to:

~Relieve stress

~Move energetic blocks

~Stir up stuck feelings that need to come to light

~Build our creative muscles

~Help us find creative solutions to problems

~Connect us to joy

~Help us to slow down

~Quiet our mental chatter

~Strengthen our intuition

~Lighten us up and help us to stop taking ourselves so seriously!

Creative play works similarly to meditation. When we are immersed in a place of pure creativity, a space opens within us. From this space we get an opportunity to rest and recharge. Fresh, inspiring ideas and solutions arise effortlessly from this place of flow.

Give yourself a moment (even 10 minutes will do) to be creative everyday. Try something new. Do it for yourself and let yourself go! Watch how consistent creative play can connect you to a sense of magic, joy and mystery in everyday life.

Jackie Benson