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Six Steps to Easily Manifest!

Six Steps to easily manifest

 Everything that has been created by humankind, every building, every business, every book, every work of art, began as a desire, and an idea. In time, each inspiring thought turned idea into physical reality.

 There is an easy way and a hard way to turn your desires into reality. One way flows with life effortlessly. The other way feels like a struggle.

 So how can you turn your desires into reality without exhausting yourself from effort and in a way that is aligned with your best self?

 Here are the six steps to easily manifest.

1.    Declare your desire:

 The first step is to declare your desire. What is it that you actually want?

 Get very clear on this. Focus your attention on your desire. Get specific. For example, if you’d like a new car what kind of car? What does it look like; feel like and even smell like? Be very clear on exactly what you want to bring into your life.

2.    Uncover the essence of your desire:

 Now that you have declared to yourself what you want it’s time to uncover the essence of that desire.  The essence of your wants and desires are usually the core feelings you wish to experience when you get what you want.

If you want a new car what is it that you feel the new car will bring to you? Is it a sense of freedom? A sense of safety and comfort? A sense of self worth?

 3.    Cultivate the FEELINGS from the essence of your desire:

First and foremost you have to feel worthy of receiving what you want. Life brings to us what we decide we deserve. No more, no less.

 Life will bypass the vision boards and affirmations and zero right in on the energetic resonance you project. So if you think, “I am open to attracting a loving, romantic relationship” but inside you feel you deserve only jerks, you will attract jerks. Energy speaks louder than affirmations.

 It is important to heal any old wounds and areas within that are keeping you from feeling worthy. You can do this by observing your thoughts and behaviors and replacing unhealthy habits (see # 4) with healthy habits.

So if you desire romantic love (or in it’s essence, passion, enthusiasm, joy, unconditional love and acceptance) you can do small things every day to create romance and love in your daily life You can focus on things that inspire and ignite passion in you while loving and accepting yourself and others. You can also do small things that bring you joy every day.

 Then, as often as possible, focus on the feelings you get from all of little things you do that relate to the essence of your desire. Focus on feeling unconditionally loving, on feeling joyful, on feeling passionate, and on feeling accepting as you go about your day.

 4.    Observe your thoughts, words and actions

You can be clear on your desire and even cultivate the feelings of having what you want but if you are unaware of what you think, say and do, you may find you send the universe mixed messages.  Energy goes where attention flows.

Begin to observe your thoughts without judgment.  If you feel unhappy or upset, observe the thoughts around the feelings. Then, as you become more aware of your habitual thoughts you can begin to replace the unhealthy thoughts with healthier ones.

Replacing thoughts with neutral, believable affirmations works better than stating overly positive affirmations.

For example, let’s say you think, “No one appreciates how hard I work. I always get passed over for promotions.” Instead of replacing this with, “I am appreciated by everyone at work and have a promotion” (which feels false), start with a more believable and neutral thought such as, “I am ready and willing for opportunities in which I can progress in my career. I am open to changing my perspective on my coworkers and to giving and receiving appreciation.”

5.    Be in the present moment and enjoy what you have now.

 You tap into the unmanifested potential of your desires by observing your thoughts, replacing unhealthy thoughts with healthier ones, and cultivating the feelings of the essence of your desires in the present moment.

You already have all that you desire within you in the present moment. Begin by accessing the feelings that you think a certain object or situation will bring to you later and start feeling it now. Take note and focus on everything (big and small) you can feel grateful for now. Enjoy what you have in this very moment.  

Gratitude comes when we are present. It creates and open and receptive state in our being. This state attracts more things to be grateful for.

6.    Be willing to surrender the desire

If you focus on wanting and needing something intensely, the universe will zero in on your feelings of wanting and needing since that is the energy you are projecting. You will receive more opportunities to want and need. What you project is what you get.

Do not constantly worry about how you will get what you want . The more open and receptive you are, the more space there is for what you want to manifest. So it is important to hold your desires lightly.

Be willing to surrender your need for getting exactly what you want when you want it. Say “I am open to this desire or something better for the highest good of all.” Do not limit the universe. Then let it go and focus instead on the being what you desire.

 You will find that the more you are what you desire, embodying the essence of the energy of things like love, generosity, abundance, joy, compassion, open mindedness, enthusiasm, vibrancy and peace, the less you will require life to bring you material things or perfect situations in order to be content. Connect to the fullness of life now.

 You can then manifest your lightly held desires in an easy and playful way, going with the flow, enjoying the experiences they bring but understanding that ultimately nothing you manifest will add anything to you. You are already whole now.

 Helpful affirmations:

I am willing to surrender my need for a specific outcome. I accept this or something better for the highest good of all.

 I am open and willing to notice opportunities in which I can feel love, joy, enthusiasm, gratitude and peace in the present moment.

 I am willing to change my perspective and embody that which I desire now.

 I hope these steps are helpful for you! Be sure to contact me if you’re looking for more help on creating your best, authentic life!