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Three easy ways to nurture your soul

There is an abundant amount of information out there on how to practice self care. Sometimes self care can feel like just another thing to add to our “to do” list. But “self care” isn’t just about taking time for baths, writing in a gratitude journal or taking walks along the beach. Self care is actually about connecting to our essence, our inner being, our presence in order to live a deeply peaceful and satisfying life no matter what our current life situation . We can all access the peace, love, joy, and inner wellness if we only choose to do so.

Here are three easy ways to nurture your soul to help you align with your true self.

1. Breath deeply

When you feel yourself in overwhelm, take a moment to pause and breath deeply. Breath down into your body. Give oxygen to your solar plexus. Do this as many times as needed until you feel yourself loosen and relax.

2. Become Present

Be silent at least once a day and let go of all stimulation and distractions from the noisy world. Lie in silence as you first awaken (before reaching for your phone) or as you are about to turn out your light before sleeping. Shift your attention to what is here with you in this moment as you go about your day. Give yourself a few moments of inner stillness.

3. Be your own kindest friend

If your observe yourself thinking unkind thoughts about yourself or another, take a moment to take deep breaths. Allow the unkind or judgmental thoughts to be there but consciously choose a kinder version of thoughts. Acknowledge and take responsibility for mistakes or judgments then choose a fresh, more loving perspective.

It takes consistent focus to change. Focus is merely a shift of attention. Let go of effort and simply notice feelings of suffering and struggle. Begin to incorporate easy ways to nurture yourself consistently and you will effortlessly move with the divine flow of life.

Thank you,

Have a beautiful day,

