Transform yourself, harmonize your space


A simple step you can take towards joy (right this very moment)

A simple step you can take right now towards more joy is to stop believing and trusting in thoughts that don’t support your heart.

I’ve been noticing a lot of thoughts within myself that don’t feel good or supportive. Isn’t it funny how our egoic own mind can wreck such havoc when left in charge?

In order to tap into joy, we can begin by witnessing the thoughts that cause pain. Be still and go deep. Truly question their validity. Do they align with your heart? Are they based in fear (egoic) or love (heart centered/intuitive)? ⁣⁣


Once you’ve discovered a thought that doesn’t align with your heart and soul you can turn your attention away instead of feeding the fear. Let that thought and belief starve. ⁣⁣


Put the power of your attention towards thoughts that align. Thoughts that are heart centered often feel open, expansive, good, peaceful and enthusiastic. Fear based thoughts often feel heavy, depressed, confusing, or angry. ⁣⁣


Self growth can be very simple. It begins with awareness and a willingness to shift.⁣⁣


If you’d more practical tips on how you can create a life of joy, peace and purpose schedule your free 30 minute phone session with me!