The crescent moon is a symbol of renewal, creation, growing, discovery, & thriving. My hope is this space inspires you to take a major step towards creating your best life, a life in which you feel empowered to follow your heart, nourish your soul & thrive.
Welcome! I’m Jackie, the owner of Creative Crescent Studios. I’m an artist and Reiki practitioner. I have a passion for helping others to embrace their authentic selves so they can live a life of joy, passion, purpose, abundance and health. I’m also passionate about creating, painting, writing and laughing! I love to see the humor in everyday life. In fact, my husband is constantly amazed at the strange and funny circumstances I encounter every time I leave the house (it must be the storyteller in me).
All my life I’ve been highly sensitive to the energy of others. My empathic nature motivates me to nurture others while helping to heal their emotional wounds using laughter and joy. As a girl I’d instinctually put my hands on my mother when she’d have migraines knowing it somehow helped her. I’d also sit in my room for hours drawing, acting, performing and writing stories. Creating has always helped me to recharged my batteries. After years of ignoring my true calling, I eventually took the hint from my soul (by hint I mean it was knocking me over the head with signs) that it was time for me to combine creativity with holistic healing. I now follow my passions for healing and creating by making Reiki infused original works of art. My services also include Reiki sessions, Spiritual Life Coaching and customized artwork with intuitive messages. I am a certified Psycho-Spiritual Alchemist & Holy Fire II Reiki Practitioner.
Prior to holistic wellness work, I have illustrated a children’s book on step parenting, designed illustrations for an organic children’s clothing company, & created hundreds of nursery artwork prints and logos for other holistic businesses. I also hold a Bachelor’s degree in Recreation & Hospitality and have worked as a branding consultant & hotel manager.
When I’m not busy creating and helping others find healing, I’m spending time with my two sweet, silly children, my loving husband, and our crazily energized, ball obsessed Labrador.
Want too work with me?
My Calling
My calling is to help others awaken to their divine truth so that they may recognize that they are worthy of leading a positive, joyful and abundant life. I believe that the power to transform and heal begins by listening to your soul and taking the necessary steps to awaken into your authentic, whole self. Sometimes you may need a little heart-centered guidance to help you find our way. That’s where I come in!